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Earl Kiosterud
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Yeah. I presumed the OP wanted category names for labels, not values. I
think Jon's solution was for showing values.

Earl Kiosterud
mvpearl omitthisword at verizon period net

"Peter T" <peter_t@discussions wrote in message

Jon's neat idea will display no value in the label, and the label
"apparently" disappear providing labels are formatted with Fill and Border

In Format labels..., try custom number format like this:


"General" can be changed as required but nothing after the second ";", the
zero value format.

This also assume that Labels are set to "show value" rather than "show
label" in Chart Options Data Labels.

We never did learn what the OP didn't want to show, so we don't know if
Labels show values or labels, if indeed his problem concerns labels !

Peter T

PS your idea is very clever !

"Earl Kiosterud" wrote in message

I don't think I follow. The idea is to make the label disappear when the
value is zero. The label and the value are in separate cells.

Earl Kiosterud
mvpearl omitthisword at verizon period net

"Jon Peltier" wrote in message
Alternatively, you can use a custom number format that excludes zero
displays, like one of these:


- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

Earl Kiosterud wrote:

To add to Peter's response, you can make a separate column for the pie
labels (presuming you're using labels, not the legend, for the slices)
that yields an empty string for those values that are zero. This way,
you get no labels for zero-value items:

Label Chart label Value
Tom =IF(C2<0, A2, "") 1
Sally =IF(C3<0, A3, "") 0

Use the Chart Label column for the chart. You can hide that column.