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Gord Dibben
Posts: n/a


Assuming you want to CF rows 1:100 depending upon a value in each cell in
column A

Select all the rows to format.

Under Formula is: enter =$A10

You may be running into problems with an Absolute address like =$A$1 which
will always look at A1 and format all rows if A1 0

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 12:15:04 -0800, TygerJ

I have an Excel spreadsheet in which I set up a conditional format that
changes the color of an entire row when one of the cells has a value greater
than 0. I want to copy this format throughout the sheet. I can't find a way
to do it except by formatting each row individually. Every way that I've
tried does not allow the formula to be in a series which means that when
there is a value in the first cell the entire sheet changes color. Any ideas
would be appreciated. Thanks.