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Tyro[_2_] Tyro[_2_] is offline
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Default Countifs Fx in 07 how in 03?

"Tyro's SUMPRODUCT isn't taking the product of anything, just the sum, since
the product is done by the * operator."

I rest my case. You have contradicted yourself. You say my formula isn't
taking the product of anything but yet it sums the products produced by the
* operator.
You can use other operators with SUMPRODUCT such as +, -, /, ^. You can mix
and match. It works.


"Jon Peltier" wrote in message
By the way, the array solution that I alluded to would be taking Tyro's
formula out of the SUMPRODUCT, put it into SUM instead, and using
CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to enter it. This puts curly braces around the formula so
it looks like


Tyro's SUMPRODUCT isn't taking the product of anything, just the sum,
since the product is done by the * operator. But SUMPRODUCT treats the
expression as an array without needing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Tutorials and Custom Solutions
Peltier Technical Services, Inc. -

"Jon Peltier" wrote in message
I read a discussion of the different ways to turn True/False into 1/0. You
could use (A2:A300=F12)*1, (A2:A300=F12)+0, --(A2:A300=F12), or
(A2:A300=F12) in a longer expression as Tyro has done. I always used *1,
because -- looks kind of hinky to me, but according to this discussion
the -- approach was slightly faster than the others. I don't recall where
I read this, it was at least several months ago, but you could Google for
'unary minus'.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Tutorials and Custom Solutions
Peltier Technical Services, Inc. -

"PCLIVE" wrote in message
Thanks for the feedback. Just as an FYI, I don't know if you tried
Tyro's formula =SUMPRODUCT((A2:A300=F12)*(C2:C300=F17))

but that is actually just a slightly different way to write the
SUMPRODUCT formula in order to achieve the same result. I personally
prefer the way I did it because I think it's cleaner and easy to read.


Thanks again for the feedback.


"HenderH" wrote in message
Brilliant "PCLIVE" a) You spec my problem exactly b) your solution

Thank you.

Kind Regards

"PCLIVE" wrote:

Maybe this:


If I understand you correctly, this formula will count how many times
two conditions are met within rows 2:300. Column A must match
criteria F12
and Column C must match criteria F17. Correct?



"HenderH" wrote in message
I have got a working spreadsheet in 2007 and I want to give a copy to

The problem is that he he still uses 2003

How do I get 2003 to do this "=COUNTIFS(A2:A300,F12,C2:C300,F17)"