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Earl Kiosterud
Posts: n/a

To add to Peter's response, you can make a separate column for the pie
labels (presuming you're using labels, not the legend, for the slices) that
yields an empty string for those values that are zero. This way, you get no
labels for zero-value items:

Label Chart label Value
Tom =IF(C2<0, A2, "") 1
Sally =IF(C3<0, A3, "") 0

Use the Chart Label column for the chart. You can hide that column.
Earl Kiosterud
mvpearl omitthisword at verizon period net

"Peter T" <peter_t@discussions wrote in message
In a pie chart no slice is shown for a zero value, so unlike other chart
types you don't really need to cater for it. Or, do you mean not display
Legend Entries with zero values. That could be done with a macro, though
would need to be rerun each time values change.

Peter T

I currently have some data as shown below:

Item 1 0
Item 2 3
Item 3 6
Item 4 5
Item 5 0
Item 6 9

How can I exclude the zero items automatically, the data shown below is
going to change regulary and i do not want to have to keep change the

data manually.