change comment marker in Excel
2000. I've noticed the newer versions of Microsoft programs (and Windows)
sometimes seem to have less features in some functions. Thanks for your help
anyway. I appreciate you clever people out there.
By the way, when I put a drawing object of the marker it stopped the comment
box popping up....
"Gord Dibben" wrote:
That is what I thought you meant, but in my Excel 2003 it does not change the
red triangle indicator/marker to the color of the Comment fill color.
Stays red.
What version of Excel are you running?
On Mon, 7 Jan 2008 13:50:03 -0800, Jo wrote:
Gee, and I thought I was good with language. I inserted a comment (right
click, insert comment), formatted the comment (highlight comment frame,
format menu, comment) and changed the fill colour. Then I hid the comment
(right click, hide comment). The marker (could also be called a comment
indicator) which remains visible in the corner of the cell which has a
comment inserted, automatically changed to the same colour as the comment
fill colour.
"Gord Dibben" wrote:
I don't understand this statement.............
"The colour of the marker did actually change when I
reformatted the fill colour of the comment box (corresponding colour)"
but happy to hear you're satisfied.
On Sun, 6 Jan 2008 16:12:01 -0800, Jo wrote:
Thanks Gord. The colour of the marker did actually change when I
reformatted the fill colour of the comment box (corresponding colour). I
like your idea of hiding it with a drawing object, given it's not able to be
individually formatted. Thanks for your help.
"Gord Dibben" wrote:
How did you insert "hidden" comments and format them as large text boxes?
Do you mean you just inserted a Comment in a cell using InsertComment and
entered text in that Comment?
The red triangle in top right corner of the cell indicating it has a Comment
cannot be changed to another color.
If you don't like the color or don't want to see the marker, you could use a
Data Validation Input Message instead of a Comment.
Only problem with that method is you have to select the cell to see the message.
Or you could use the drawing toolbar to place a colored shape over the red
Make sure to set its properties to resize and move with cells.
On Sun, 6 Jan 2008 15:36:03 -0800, Jo wrote:
Sorry, I shouldn't have used the word "chart". It's only a worksheet (but it
won't be used as a spreadsheet). I have inserted hidden comments and
formatted them as large text boxes.
"Gord Dibben" wrote:
By "Chart" do you mean a graphical chart?
Is this chart on the sheet or is it a separate Chart Sheet?
How did you create the Comments on the chart?
Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
On Sun, 6 Jan 2008 14:56:01 -0800, Jo wrote:
I have created a chart in Excel so I can use comments like pop-up/hover text
boxes to describe the elements on the chart. Now I want to change the
appearance of the comment marker. Can you help me do that?