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I deleted the row that caused the problem. It works!!! Thanks again!

"hg" wrote:

Thank you very much, Andy.

I copied the table to the Excel but got a message box sayinig that the
formula is too long when replacing the "!!!".

"Andy Brown" wrote:

Is there a way to copy a Word table into Excel cell by cell when the Word
cells contains multiple paragraphs of text? (Excel breaks each Word cell

several rows.)

In Word, hit CTRL+Shift+* to turn on "Show non-printing characters". This
should show there are 2 "reverse p" characters (paragraph markers) between
each para. So then do a Replace (CTRL+H) -- in Find What, use "^p^p"
(without the quotes) ; in Replace With, use "!!!" (without the quotes).
Click Replace All, then close the dialog box.

Then you can select the whole table & copy to Excel. Once it's there, you
can use Replace (CTRL+H) again -- Find What = "!!!" (without the quotes) ;
in Replace With, click in the box and *while holding down ALT* type 0010 on
the *Number* keypad. Release ALT, then hold it down again and type 0010 on
the Number keypad (again). Then click Replace All.
