Counting cells that do not contain N/A
Hi Sandy,
the OP was asking about count - if he used COUNT and the values were
numbers then this would ignore it (and he wouldn't have the problem),
so I assumed they must be text values and he was using COUNTA. I was
also making the distinction between #N/A and N/A, so the OP could put
in the appropriate one if he really meant #N/A.
There's a bit of logic to my posts now and then !! <bg
On Oct 29, 10:57 am, "Sandy Mann" wrote:
If N/A was typed in and thus text, wouldn't SUM() ignore it anyway?
In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings
Replace with
"Pete_UK" wrote in message
If N/A has been typed in (rather than the error #N/A), then try this:
Hope this helps.
On Oct 29, 10:41 am, Adam wrote:
Please could someone provide me with a formula that would allow me to
the number of cells that do not contain N/A as an entry.
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