Appearance of a selected range
I'm glad I look at these posts. I've been searching everywhere and I
couldn't find anything on this subject. I'm using Excel 2007 for the first
time and this is a big problem.
I'm glad to know that it wasn't just me.
Microsoft People: Does anyone have a solution to this problem now or in an
upcoming release? HELP!
"Susanne" wrote:
Hi, I have the same problem and have found a way to work around it: if you
set a fill color for the entire sheet or just some areas, the selection color
is much easier to differentiate. I use a light grey with my flatscreen, but
you might have to try a few different shades of light fill colors.
"Warren" wrote:
Count yourselves lucky - I have a large $800 LCD, perfect eyesight and I
can't distinguish between selected/unselected cells. This is okay when I'm
selecting a rectangle, but when I'm using control-select to select multiple
cells? I can't do it :S
I'm thinking though, that if on my system the cells are not coloured at all
then that's *different* to your experiences and there must be a way of
changing it!