Thread: query functions
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Nick Hodge
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You can do this with a vlookup function. If the hidden data is on Sheet2, in
say A1:D25000. You wanted to look up an entry in A1 on Sheet1. Returning
the value in columnB on sheet2 corresponding to the 'found' entry, then in
B1 Sheet1 enter

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet2!$A$1:$D$25000,2,FALSE)) ,"Not

This will return the value 'Not Found' if it finds nothing or else the value
from column B

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England

"Dean" wrote in message
I have a large amount of 4 column data in an Excel file. Without using
Access, I want a simple way for a user to enter a number, execute a search
and have the search paste the row of information found next to the search
entry. The data itself will be hiden so the user only sees the search
and the results of each search.