Thanks Dave, but I never use personal.xls for macros: Too much sharing of
files with colleagues. The workaround I came up is as follows: export the
macros from the source sheet, move the sheet to the destination workbook
(don't copy because then the macros will path back to the old workbook),
import the .bas file. thx
"David McRitchie" wrote in message
Hi Wayne,
I think you've got it **the button**.
If you use buttons or menus and have more than one workbook those
menus and buttons should be referring to your personal.xls macros.
Watch out when you restore your personal.xls workbook because it can
cause the same problem pointing to an old pathname.
Look at the macro assigned to the button, I think you will find the
old workbook, or the old pathname assigned to the buttons.
If that is not the case, then the following probably won't help you today,
and you'll have to dig up more dirt.
if that was the case then correct them. You might want to read
Barhopper -- fixup for Restored Toolbars, and -- Listing of Menu
You may have to exit out of all visible workbooks and
unhide your personal.xls before correcting your toolbars, don't forget to
make a change to the workbook and then save your workbook,
when you reopen, hide your personal.xls workbook again. Don't know how
much of all of that is actually needed but you'd think with
the toolbars in their own files none of that
extra work would have been needed.
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
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"WayneB" wrote in message ...
Hi Dave: When I copy the sheet with macros from an old file to a a new
and invoke it with a button it will spawn the old file. When I move the
sheet, it just says the macros don't exist. Here's the sample code...