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Typo correction:

D6 OFFSET(A$1,50,0) Returns the value in cell A51

Should read:

D3 OFFSET(A$1,50,0) Returns the value in cell A51


-----Original Message-----

Which formula did you try?

The formula offered in the other reply would have

an error because a required argument was left out. If you
used my example:


it should have worked if you did indeed get it translated
correctly and it was placed in cell D1, where you said

wanted it.

Here are the arguments to OFFSET


In your case the Reference cell is A1. When entered like
this: A$1 and copied down A$1 should not change to A$2 or
A$3 etc.. The row number should remain ABSOLUTE.

The Rows argument is how many rows offset from cell A$1.
In your case the Rows argument is: (ROW()-1)*25.

Here's what that means:

The ROW number that the formula is in minus 1 then
multiplied by 25. So, if you enter that formula in D1:

Row(1)-1 = 0 * 25 = 0



Now, since all the data you want is in the same column as
the reference cell you do not want to offset A$1 by any
columns but the column argument is required so you just
leave that blank or enter zero:


Which is the same as:


Since you're only returning a single value the Height and
Width arguments are not needed and they are also OPTIONAL

So, as you copy the formula down a column starting in


D1 OFFSET(A$1,0,0) Returns the value in cell A1
D2 OFFSET(A$1,25,0) Returns the value in cell A26
D6 OFFSET(A$1,50,0) Returns the value in cell A51


-----Original Message-----

I have translated it into Norwegian, and typed your

suggestions, but....

First of all I've got an error so I changed the formula

to this:


According to Excel Help the first parameter is the cell

of origin. The
second is the offset size. The third, fourth and fifth I

can forget this

Anyhow. After typing the formula and got the right value

shown in the first
cell, I copied downwards and the values came out wrong.
The A$1 changed to A$2, and the value shown was the

of the cell
situated two cells below A2. That was not what I wanted.

This led to a list
where every number in the column was shown, not every

If I locked the entire first parameter with the cell of

origin, I got the
same value as in the in the first in all the cells below

the first.
I wanted to be able to pick out every second or,

for that matter,
value in a column of values, and show them in a column

adjacent cells.


Zadig Galbaras
A Perturbed Norwegian Agnostic

"Biff" skrev i melding

In D1 enter this formula and copy down as needed:



-----Original Message-----

My spreadsheet has a repetitive calculation for each row.
In another place I want to list up each of these

but then in each
and every row downwards.

That is;
A1 = 25
A26 = 26
A51 = 23

Now I want to copy these values to lets say to D1 like
D1 = 25 - Linked to A1
D2 = 26 - Linked to A26
D3 = 23 - Linked to A51

Is there a trick in the formula in D2 to automatically
jump 25 rows from the
row mentioned in D1, so it shows the value in A26,
without me having to sit
here day and night in a week to do the tedious copy and
link jockey routine?


Zadig Galbaras
A Perturbed Norwegian Agnostic


