If you create a workbook and save it in your XLStart folder as book.xlt, then
ever workbook that is added will inherit those settings.
If you like that, you could format all the cells in all the worksheets of that
template workbook with the number format you like (kind of icky??).
Or you could change the Normal Style to have the number format you like.
Format|Style|Normal|Modify and change it the way you like (better).
But I think I'd just add a new style
(Format|Style|(type in a new style name) and modify that to your heart's
Then later you could be more selective about which cells/columns get what style.
In fact, you can add a couple of icons to your favorite toolbar that make
applying styles easier.
Tools|customize|commands tab|format category|either Style... or the dropdown
version of Style.
Zither wrote:
I mean when I start a new workbook with file/new I want the new file
to come up automatically with a specific number format (not the
General format that is the standard default).
On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 00:51:01 -0800, rzhang
Can you be a bit more specific?
In general, to change the default number format of selected range, go to
Format - Cell, and it is under Number tab.
"Zither" wrote:
Dave Peterson