You need an entirely different formula because you're
doing a multiple criteria lookup.
Man, I hate long sheet names! <g
It looks to me as though you want to lookup a clients name
in column A then lookup "active" in column N and return
the corresponding value in column B?
Something like this entered with the key combo of
=IF(ISNA(MATCH(1,(A2:A11=A2)*(N2:N11="active"),0)) ,"",INDEX
Just think how much longer that formula will get once you
put those long sheet names in! <g
-----Original Message-----
Received the following reply to earlier question (below).
Doesn't work. Can the above two statements be combined?
Ie. If one cell (in another worksheet) = "Active" then
lookup the values from the same worksheet.
I've been trying:
VLOOKUP(IF('Entry 1 - New Clients'!N2:N31="ACTIVE",'Entry
1 - New Clients'!A2,'Entry 1 - New Clients'!
Returns ugly errors. Maybe Excel doesn't like the
combination of both statements?
Yes, just re-use the formula in another cell with a
different column index
=VLOOKUP('Entry 1 - New Clients'!A2,'Entry 1 - New
note the ,3 not ,2
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
"Fiona" wrote in
Received advise previously on this (thanks). However, I
need to look up entries in another separate worksheet
it won't work. I'm using:
=VLOOKUP('Entry 1 - New Clients'!A2,'Entry 1 - New
Clients'!A2:O20,2,FALSE). It returns the persons name
(great) but I need to transfer across other details too.
Basically I'm summarising one worksheet onto a specified
format in another. In addition, I somehow want it to
show me those clients in 'Entry 1 - New Clients' if the
corresponding column (N) has the entry of "Active".
Is this possible??