Multiple Variable Formula
=INDEX(A1:E6,MATCH(M28,A1:A6,0),MATCH(N26,A1:E1,0) )
"Ken" wrote:
At the top of my spreadsheet I have the following setup:
1 Bob Don Mark Sam
2 Mon 8 6 5 9
3 Tues 5 4 7 8
4 Wed 3 3 4 5
5 Thur 7 5 6 7
6 Fri 6 5 9 7
Lower in the spreadsheet I have a row (26) which includes names which are
listed in Row1. Column M lists days of the week just like Column A above.
What formula can I use to search the above data to return a value based on
the name and day of week shown. For example, if cell 26N = "Mark" and cell
28M = "Thur" then I would like cell 28N to have a value of 6.