How do I keep from repeating a number in the same column?
Hi Jim,
Thank you so much - it worked perfectly.
"Jim Thomlinson" wrote:
You can try this... Place your cursor in Cell A2. Now highlight the entire
column. Now select
Data|Validation - Custom
In the formula box add
=countif(A:A, A2) = 1
You will probably want to change the error alert message, but at this point
you should be good to go in terms of only allowing unique entries...
Jim Thomlinson
"Stephanie" wrote:
In column A I have a series of numbers. How do I keep other users from
entering a number in Column A which is already present in Column A. So, for
example A2 has #3451. Another user enters #3451 in A10. I need a prompt to
let the user know #3451 has already been used.
Thanks in advance.