Launch macro when drop-down contents change...
I guess I could use another MS pull "null" values and use them to
populate each affected cell...but that is a little messy.
"Tom Mackay" wrote:
The latest trick I am looking to deliver is to launch an existing macro after
the contents of a drop-down change.
The drop down contents come from a List, and are driven by parameters
provided by user; the List is then retrieved using a MS Query call to an
Access db.
User can then select any value they like. At that point, a number of other
MS Queries are then launched...all dependent on the (convenient) feature that
allows them to be refreshed whenever a certain cell is refreshed...and in
this case, the contents of the drop-down are the driver.
Now, I need a similar feature to allow the automatic launch of a macro, to
"refresh" certain data remaining from the previous selection, which needs to
be cleared before beginning work with the new selection. This data is
user-entered...none of it is based on an MS Query, and therefor, cannot
leverage the same mechanism.
Any ideas are appreciated,