How to add formula calling up current workbook when sheet copi
Hi Dave,
Didn't mean to sound ungrateful ! I'm using 2nd option between messages :-)
but imagined that there was an automatic way of doing it that I was missing -
learning all the time.
Mant thanks again
"Dave Peterson" wrote:
The second suggestion seems pretty easy.
Smudge wrote:
Hi Dave,
So there's no magic way of it doing this without amending the cell each time
I copy over? :-(
"Dave Peterson" wrote:
You wouldn't need the workbook name [depot 1.xls] in the formula.
I'd use:
$$$$$="Number of Units " & 'dumpers'!h1
Yep, it's text--not a formula.
Copy and paste into the new workbook.
then remove the $$$$$ to change it into a formula.
Or you could copy the formula:
="Number of Units " & 'dumpers'!h1
from the formulabar and paste it into the formulabar.
Smudge wrote:
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to make life easier for me by putting the following into a cell
="Number of Units " & '[Depot 1.xls]dumpers'!H1
This should let me copy this worksheet into a number of workbooks and pick
up the depot number from cell H1 in an existing sheet in each workbook.
How do I do this and make excel look for h1 in the book I'm copying into?
Dave Peterson
Dave Peterson