First, if you saved a file from Excel 2002 (OfficeXP), I would think that xl2k
could open it with out a problem. Excel 97-2003 use the same file format.
There may be some functions that are lost and some of the VBA code may not work,
but a file saved in xl2002 can be opened in xl2k.
Saving a normal file in xl2007 will cause trouble with all previous versions,
though. xl2007 does use a different fileformat.
And saving in xl5.0/95 could very well lose lots of stuff. xl97 extended the
number of rows from 16k to 64k. xl2007 extended that to 1M rows.
There have been features added in both VBA and excel itself that won't be there
anymore if you save the file in xl5.0/95 (objects from the control toolbox
toolbar, data|validation, conditional formatting, ...).
But you'll want to test to see what your specific workbooks would lose. If you
use very vanilla workbooks, maybe you won't have any trouble.
ps. I don't use PPT enough to offer any help on that added level of complexity.
kyoshirou wrote:
Hi All,
I wanted to check this:
i have a excel file save work from officeXP or 07 version with some forumla
& marco, and this file is embedded inside powerpoint but this file cannot be
open with an older version like office2000 or 95 version.
So if i save my work as older version like Excel5.0/95 right, will the data
lose its information?
Dave Peterson