Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Assistance for the IF Function
Biff.... thanks... You did it!
"T. Valko" wrote:
Maybe this:
=IF(AND(OR(A1={"Ship","Postal"}),OR(B1={"Debit","P ayment"}),C1="Completed"),D1,"")
Microsoft Excel MVP
"Kentucky Hot Brown" <Kentucky Hot wrote in
message ...
I'm trying to test the condition of Cell A1 for either/or and B1 for
either/or and if C1 is true, display the value of D1
=(IF(OR(A1="SHIP",A1="Postal"),+IF(OR(B1="Debit",B 1="Payment"),"","",+IF(AND(C1="completed"),D1,"")* ),""))
I'm stuck! How should this be?
Thanks in advance