Here's one possibiliy. You could use a formula like this
one in each cell (X9, AC9, etc.):
=CHOOSE(MATCH(F9,{"A","B","C"},0),SUM(A:A),SUM(B:B ),SUM
In this case, if F9 = "A", then col. A is summed. If F9
= "B", sum col. B, and if F9 = "C", sum col. C.
Atlanta, GA
-----Original Message-----
I am not knowledgable in Excel and I am trying to figure
out how to do
I want some cells in a row to choose between 2 or 3
formulas based on
the value I enter for a certain cell in the same row.
For example: If I enter "A" in F9 it would use Formula A
in X9, AC9,
etc. If I enter "B" in F9 it would use Formula B in X9,
AC9, etc.
How would I do this? I am not even sure of the
terminology of the
solution to research it. Variable, IF, ???????