If statement propblem
Thank you the choose and match formula worked great. I could not get the
INDIRECT one to work though.
"Arvi Laanemets" wrote:
=CHOOSE(MATCH($D$5,{"JAN07","FEB07","MAR07","APR07 ","MAY07","JUN07","JUL07","AUG07","SEP07","OKT07", "NOV07","DEC07"},0),JAN07!F$6;FEB07!F$6;MAR07!F$6; APR07!F$6;MAY07!F$6;JUN07!F$6;JUL07!F$6;AUG07!F$6; SEP07!F$6;OKT07!F$6;NOV07!F$6;DEC07!F$6)
=INDIRECT($D$5 & "!F6")
Arvi Laanemets
"Scott@CW" wrote in message
I have the below formula which is referencing a Data Valadation list (D5).
Does anyone have any ideas to expand it to inlcude all 12 months?
=IF($D$5="APR07",APR07!F$6,IF($D$5="MAY07",MAY07!F $6,IF($D$5="JUN07",JUN07!F$6,"")))