Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
file not found ...\local~\temp\vb514.tmp
Norton. I read the story from the person with the AV problem. I will check
into that. Thanks.
"Dave Peterson" wrote:
What's the name of the AV program you run?
nathan wrote:
Well, I have new information. The .xls file that I am using which the this
error comes from resides on a network drive. The error message says it can't
find the \vb*.tmp file on my local c: drive. After the error, a \vb*.tmp
file is created in the root directory of the network drive of where the .xls
file resides. Our network admin has been deleting them for weeks not knowing
where they came from. Now, if I move the .xls file to my local c: drive and
open it from there, I don't have the problem.
So, it seems when the file is on the network drive, it is searching for the
vb*.tmp file on the local drive, but can't find it because it has written it
to the network drive?? Not sure how all this .tmp file writting works, but
seems like a clue.
"Dave Peterson" wrote:
Saved from a previous post:
Add some controls to a worksheet from the control toolbox toolbar and you'll see
some .tmp files in the %temp% folder. But I've never seen excel put them in any
other location.
If those .tmp files look like: ...\VB*.tmp
I searched google again for "\vb" and .tmp and got a few hits.
One of them:
One person posted that they saw files that had names like: ~RF26c83af.TMP.
It was caused by AVG.
You can read her description in this thread:
A while ago, someone posted back that uninstalling something called "Panda
ClientShield" fixed a similar problem.
Even if you're not running "Panda ClientShield", you could try disabling this
program to see if the problem goes away.
nathan wrote:
This is driving me crazy. When I try to create a copy of a worksheet I get
the following error: c:\...\local~\temp\vb514.tmp. If I then turn off
"ignore other applications" I can do the copy. But the very next time I try
a worksheet copy the same error occurs. If I then toggle "ignore other
applications" ON, it solves it. So, it seems all I need to do is toggle.
The spreadsheet I copy has macros in it. If I cleanse the workbook of
macros by saving as .xml, then rename as .xls, the problem is solved. But as
soon as I add macros the problem comes back. Even if I don't add back
macros, but simply have the VB editor open, the problem occurs. I also get
prompted to enter the password for "funcres", which I have no idea what is.
The problem occurs on other machines with the same spreadsheet. I deleted
all my temp files but no luck. Seems to be only with this spreadsheet. The
spreadsheet was created in 2003. I am using Excel 2003.
Thanks for your help,
Dave Peterson
Dave Peterson