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Highlight Right-click Copy Enter Right-click new location Paste

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

"Julie P." wrote in message
This happens every time and really is annoying:

1) I try to copy a formula to another cell or to a Microsoft Word doc.

2) I go to the cell, and then highlight the formula in the data entry bar

the top of the spreadsheet.

3) I then right-click to copy it.

4) I then click the Excel cell where I want to paste it.

5) This is when all hell breaks lose. The cell that I click in becomes

of the current formula in the cell that I am copying from!! And there is

way to stop it! Clicking more cells just makes this worse! I end up losing
my entire formula when I click "enter" to get out!!

This drives me crazy! Normally to get out of a cell, all I have to do is
click another cell.

How do I get out if this when it happens, and what is the proper way to

a formula?

Thanks so much!