$ - 0.00 nevgative zero
The easiest way for you (and other contributors to the newsgroup) to avoid
such typos is to use the copy and paste facility, whether from your Excel to
the group, or from suggestions in the group back to your Excel. It is
frustrating for questioners and for those trying to answer when they find
that a lot of time is wasted by unnecessary typos.
Not a criticism of you, Michele, but advice for future contributors.
David Biddulph
"Michele" wrote in message
prentheisis was just a typo on my part. As far as VBA i don't understand
that is, i just went to the fomula bar and typed in the formula i wanted
use. I use that formula all the time so i know it by heart.
I appriciate you efforts. Thank you for trying
"steve_doc" wrote:
Totaly stumped
are you setting the format via VBA?
in the format block you posted your parenthesis do not match, not sure if
that could be the cause?
"Michele" wrote:
the format i have used is in these cells is: $ #,##0.00;[Red}-$