You could use this macro:
Public Sub FitPictureToCell()
Dim rCell As Range
If TypeName(Selection) = "Picture" Then
With Selection
Set rCell = .TopLeftCell
.Top = rCell.Top
.Left = rCell.Left
.Width = rCell.Width
.Height = rCell.Height
.Placement = xlMoveAndSize
End With
MsgBox "Please select a picture."
End If
End Sub
If you're not familiar with macro, see David McRitchie's "Getting
Started with Macros":
In article ,
"Falaffel" wrote:
I capture and paste alot of images into excel from the clipboard.
Once pasted i have to select "Format Picture" function in order
to get the size so that the pasted picture actually fits the excel
cells. Is there anyway to make the pasted pictures automatically
size themselfes to the cells ?
Or perhaps set a default setting in the "Size" tab in "Format Picture"
so that pasted pictures always gets the same size without me being
forced to write them in explicitly everytime ?