validate multiple cells in to one dropdown box
IF (and it isn't clear to me from your posting as your ranges are different
sizes) you have a table of item, with corresponding description and price,
Use Data Validation with Item list (A3:A23) in your first cell (can it be
A4? as list is A3:A23?)
Item# is in cell A4?
B4 ? =VLOOKUP(Item#,A:C,2,0) to get description
=VLOOKUP(A4,A:C,2,0) to get description ????
C4 ? =VLOOKUP(Item#,A:C,3,0) to get price
"shad" wrote:
I need to validate multiple cells in to one dropdown box. example: validate
a3:a23 (item #), b3:b18 (descriptions) and c3:c27 (prices) into one drop box.
I would like to type a item number in validated a4 and autofill a
description in b4 and a price in c4. Thanks