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Jon Peltier Jon Peltier is offline
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Default There's no export to dbf files from XL2007?

Maybe they decided it's obsolete. Here's the notice in the footer of the
dBase main web page:

©2004 dataBased Intelligence, Inc.

That's a few years old. Perhaps usage statistics also indicate that there
are few people using this format.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

"JohannaÖhman" wrote in message
I appreciate finding out before installing XL2007! It's really weird that
they would take away such a tool.

But if it is of any help, GIS 9.2 is supposed to be able to handle
directly. Havn't tried it yet myself though, but heard of peolpe having
trouble with it...
Johanna Öhman
Umeå University

"bringbackdbf" skrev:

MICROSOFT - PLEASE FIX THIS! here is another voice to complain about the
of dbf - which i and others use constantly for work in mapping programs
ArcGIS and even MSAccess. I love 2007 but there is no way I can't have
functionality. If you feel the same please post and complain as well to
to Microsoft that their conclusion that this option is rarely used was
wrong - lots of people use and rely on it.

"Kluster" wrote:

There's no dbf export possibilities in Excel 2007? Is this an issue of
new XL2k7 or I missed to install some add-ins? Thanks.