Excel cell conversion problem
Many thanks Mike. Has a reply from Toppers who told me to try
=LOOKUP(D10,{1,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36},{"U","G","F ","E","D","C","B","A","A*"}) which worked a treat so thanks for all your help.
"Mike" wrote:
Sorry, I didn't like it wothout the error checks so hers a version that
checks for numbers in your range and for numeric input only.
=IF(ISNUMBER(A1),IF(A1<=7,"U",IF(A1<=11,"G",IF(A1< =15,"F","Value out of
range"))),"Value not numeric")
"Jane" wrote:
To convert numbers into GCSE grades I need to use a formula that will read
down a column and if the cell content is between 1-7 to insert the letter U,
if the cell content is between 8-11 to insert the letter G, if the cell
content is between 12-15 to insert the letter F,etc
Any ideas?