Excel cell conversion problem
Mike's solution if good if you have only a small number of ranges. Because
you have etc I don't know how big your table really is. for large tabels the
best way is to have a table of every number and letter(see table below). the
formula to use would be VLOOKUP(). The formula become very simple to enter
and get working. It may take more time to enter the table but it save time
by eliminating debuging complex formulas.
1 U
2 U
3 U
4 U
5 U
6 U
7 U
8 G
9 G
10 G
11 G
12 F
13 F
14 F
15 F
"Jane" wrote:
To convert numbers into GCSE grades I need to use a formula that will read
down a column and if the cell content is between 1-7 to insert the letter U,
if the cell content is between 8-11 to insert the letter G, if the cell
content is between 12-15 to insert the letter F,etc
Any ideas?