If/then and Vlookup formula
Thank you Chad, this worked perfectly!!
I have never seen the ISERROR before, could you review my understanding
below and see if I'm accurate?
I looked up ISERROR in the help section, and my interpretation is that the
VLOOKUP is still finding an exact match, and if not, it will dispaly the
#N/A. By way of the iserror function, if a #N/A would have been displayed,
as it wasn't in the vlookup, for #n/a's, it is now displaying "acct not
budgeted" and for ones that wouldn't have had an #n/a because it was in the
vlookup, the iserror will not be true, so i'm displaying budgeted. (I hope
that makes some kind of sense)
"Chad" wrote:
Try something like this:
=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet2!$A$2:$B$1072,1,FALSE ))=TRUE,"Acct Not
"Ashley" wrote:
Hi all!
What I am trying to do:
In Sheet 1, column A, I have a list of account numbers. In Sheet 2, Column
A, I have another list of account numbers. If an account in Sheet 1 column
A, is also in Sheet 2, column A, then the account is budgeted; If an account
in Sheet 1 column A is not in Sheet 2, column A, then the account is not
I'm not the cleverest with the formulas, and this is what I have tried and
am not getting the best results:
=IF(A2=(VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet2!$A$2:$B$1072,1,FALSE))," Budgeted","Acct Not
It is working for accounts that are budgeted, but for accounts that aren't
budgeted, I'm getting #N/A. I assume this has something to do with the
Any help as to where I'm going wrong would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.