using a formula inside a sting of text
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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Don Guillett
external usenet poster
Posts: 10,124
using a formula inside a sting of text
=RIGHT(M15,LEN(M15)-FIND(" ",M15))
Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
"lauras03" wrote in message
I have an invoice with some wording about canceling and want to include a
name (seller) and address (residence) in the middle. Is there an easier
than the way I am doing it. I want to be able to change the name and
when necessary.
What I have been doing is copying the text into several cells and
parts and putting it back together from different sentence fragments.
Compete string: If you cancel, you must make available to the seller at
residence, ... risk.
=A30&A33&LEFT(F16,FIND(" ",F16)-1)&A31&D10&A32
This finds first name, how do I find last?
A30: If you cancel, you must make available to
A31: at
A32: , ... risk.
A33: Mrs.
D10: 123 Oak Street
F16: Laura Smith
Final reads: If you cancel, you must make available to Mrs. Smith at 123
Oak Street, ... risk.
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Don Guillett
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