Personal.xls not opening at startup
There will be more than one XLSTART folder.
Which one Personal.xls uses is up to Excel.
If you created Personal.xls by recording a macro into "personal macro workbook"
then Excel will create Personal.xls and stick it in the correct XLSTART folder.
C:\Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART is
the common path.
Check for it there.
Or try this method to get the path.
hit alt-f11 to get to the vbe
hit ctrl-g to see the immediate window
type this and hit enter:
Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
On Mon, 12 Mar 2007 07:13:21 -0700, kayabob
I have to open personal.xls manually everytime excel starts. The file is
placed in the XLSTART folder, which I believe is correct. Personal.xls is
still open and hidden when I shut Excel down. Then when I restart,
Personal.xls doesnt automatically start up. Any suggestions??