Laon amortization table
Can you provide a link to the template so someone can download and take a
look at it? Data validation is a tool used in Excel to restrict entries in a
cell to a specified list of values, such as whole numbers.
A hint to posters: Specific, detailed questions are more likely to be
answered than questions that provide no detail about your problem.
"sc" wrote:
I downloaded the Loan Amortization Schedule from Excel 2003...what is data
Thank you
"Dave F" wrote:
Why will the loan term cell only accept whole numbers? Is Data Validation
turned on? Give us more details about the spreadsheet you're using.
A hint to posters: Specific, detailed questions are more likely to be
answered than questions that provide no detail about your problem.
"sc" wrote:
My loan term is 3.5 years. How can i calculate payments when the table will
only accept full years in the loan term cell?