How to change all numbers to x's?
If printing is all you need to do, then probably Dave's suggestion or a
variation of it depending on range of values you have, is a good way to go.
Or even a variation of the code I put up earlier - instead of destroying
formulas and actual values, just go to the IsNumeric() section and then set
the cell's format to a custom one as Dave suggests. Probably best done with
a copy also, since reverse engineering the format might be tedious if you
have various numeric types on the sheets like General, Currency or other
special number formats.
" wrote:
On Mar 10, 4:33 pm, JLatham <HelpFrom @
Perhaps this will give you a head start in writing your macro.
Thanks for the head start.
By the way: I wouldn't consider just coming up with some format to hide the
values - a simple selection of all the cells and Edit | Clear | Formats would
instantly reveal the original values.
Wouldn't be a problem. As I mentioned initially, I am only going to
print what I intend to show. I am not giving anyone the file.