Thanks for the response Dave. I can't even get to the View|Normal view. The
content in Excel doesn't change but the view area is shrunk. Do you have any
other suggestions?
Thang Nguyen
"Dave Peterson" wrote:
The zoom factor is an icon on the Standard Toolbar. That shrinks, too????
If no, maybe you're looking at View|Page break view.
Try View|Normal
(well, if you can get to the worksheet menu bar.)
Thang007 wrote:
The spread sheet shrinks to about an inch in length. It can not be maximized
and the zoom factor cannot even be seen, but would have no effect because the
image is not shrunk, it's the viewing window of the spread sheet. I hope
that clarifies the problem. Please respond if you have any other suggestions.
"Dave Peterson" wrote:
You may want to add more description to "uncomprehendable size".
If the application is minimized (or made a small window), maximize it.
If the zoom factor has been changed (within excel), change it back to 100%.
Thang007 wrote:
I have one client that has an excel spreadsheet embedded in email that she
could previously edit. Now every time the speadsheet is activated it shrinks
to a uncomprehendable size. Outlook and Office have both been uninstalled
and reinstalled to no avail. Has anyone ever experienced this problem and
what was the solution other than blast her profile and rebuilding her
Thang Nguyen
Dave Peterson
Dave Peterson