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Don Guillett Don Guillett is offline
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Default Code using A sheet to find a number

If, as I understand it, you are trying to match the value in cell b3 to a
cell on sheet2 in col A and use the value in the next column, then it seems
to me that a simple vlookup FORMULA would do this for you without code. Or,
am I still not understanding?


Don Guillett
SalesAid Software

"Mike" wrote in message
No Just one instance of the Value

"Don Guillett" wrote:

OK. Now, Is there MORE than one instance of the value to look for. Or,

Don Guillett
SalesAid Software

"Mike" wrote in message
Its looking on sheet1 B3
would like to see if sheet1 B3 Value is on sheet2 A3:A65535 and if it
use the Value in Column B next to the match

"Don Guillett" wrote:

What you have now is looking for one instance of the value in cell b3.
would be much easier with a select case statement. My question is:
Are you looking for all three of these? And, are there more than one
instance? Maybe you want.

Sub findem()
myarray = Array("a", "b", "c")
For Each c In myarray
x = Columns(4).Find(c)
Select Case UCase(x)
Case "A": y = 1
Case "B": y = 2
Case "C": y = 3
Case Else
End Select
MsgBox y
End Sub

Don Guillett
SalesAid Software

"Mike" wrote in message
Can someone help please
I would like for it to look at sheet2 and see if "V014989" Is in the
A Row 2:65535

Private Sub StoreAccountNumbers()
On Error Resume Next
With ActiveSheet
If .Range("B3").Value = "V014989" Then
.Name = "101_" & Format(Now(), "[$-409]yyyymmdd;@")

ElseIf .Range("B3").Value = "V014990" Then
.Name = "102_" & Format(Now(), "[$-409]yyyymmdd;@")
End If
End With
With ActiveSheet
If .Range("B3").Value = "V014991" Then
.Name = "103_" & Format(Now(), "[$-409]yyyymmdd;@")
ElseIf .Range("B3").Value "V014991" Then
.Name = "Unknown_" & Format(Now(), "[$-409]yyyymmdd;@")
End If
If Err.Number < 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Number & " -- " & Err.Description
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End With
End Sub