Whole Number and Decimals
Hi Charles Knight,
I have seen your reason that you need to display in the sum cell the actual
un-rounded value on the last decimal...the sheets standard column width
suppress the value...unless you double click the header's column right
Excluding the limited of number of digits....
I suggest that you format your sum cell in formatcellsnumbercustom
type #,###.###########
the bargain here is that if the sum result is a whole number,
e.g. "5" the displayed value will be "5."
i hope i made it clear only to help you.
birds of the same feather flock together..
"Charles Knight" wrote:
Is there a way to limit the deicmal formatting to only non-whole numbers.
Example: 5 would show as 5 instead of 5.000 while 5.245 would still show
The cell I am working with is a calcuted one (=sum(a1*b1)) so the number is
sometimes requires a decimal and sometimes not. Any help or suggestions would
be greatly appreciated.