count number of text in a column
try - entered with CSE:
=IF(A2<"",SUM(,IF(ISNUMBER(FIND(A2,$B$2:$B$8,1)), 1,0),0),"")
"Daniel_ITSM" wrote:
WOW! Well close! What do I do if the length of the column I am trying to
count is different than the one with the unique list? I start to get a
strange count then as below:
names used count
daniel daniel, celia 2
celia celia 3
batman batman 1
sherlock daniel, celia 0
sherlock 4
"Toppers" wrote:
Assuming data in colums A & B then in column C row 2 (first row is header) put
Enter with Ctrl+Shift+Enter
Copy down
"Daniel_ITSM" wrote:
Look at this then and tell me how I could get the report desired without
explictly naming each cell reference or actual name? My column 5800 cells
with multiple and single entries.
Unique Names Names used
Daniel Daniel, Celia
Celia Daniel
Sherlock Batman,Sherlock
Batman Daniel
Report then would be:
Daniel 3
Celia 2
Batman 1
Sherlock 1