You are right... thanks you... I will keep it for reference as I learn more.
"Dave Peterson" wrote:
Those links are good now.
You still may want to read them. They have lots of good information.
JDR wrote:
The links errored.. said page could not be found... so I looked up vlookup
and index on the net... neither did what I was looking for but by
experimenting and I thing I got what I want.
thanks very much for your resonse.
"Dave Peterson" wrote:
I wouldn't do this. Sorting your data could screw it up.
Instead, if you have a unique key field in your original worksheet, you could
put the values you want on the other sheet (not as a formula--real values).
Then either use =vlookup() or =index(match()) to retrieve the information I
Debra Dalgleish explains it: (for =vlookup())
and (for =index(match()))
JDR wrote:
I am trying to create a master sheet that I can edit and the changes will
automatically reflect in the dependent sheets... I am have been using
formulas like this "='Main Sheet'!A7"
However if I insert a blank row so I can add new data on the "Main Sheet"
then excel automatically changes my formula in the dependent cell so that it
stays "locked" to the original data from A7
what I want is for cells in the dependent sheets to ALWAYS reflect what is
on the main sheet so that WHATEVER I change on the main sheet will reflect in
the others
ie: I do not want excel to "adjust" my cell refereces but to always show
exactly what is in the correspoding cells on the master sheet
Dave Peterson
Dave Peterson