Comparing Full Files
Newbie questions:
Is there a utility or some other way to compare one full file (w multiple tabs) with another full file (w multiple tabs)?
The layouts are identical, just the data in them *may* or *may not* be different.
Conversely is there a way to compare two files tab-by-tab?
Why you ask?
I'm trying to take over a job from a coworker and for the next week I'm going to shadow everything they do, but on my own.
At the end of the week, as a sanity check, I'd like to compare my work to theirs and see how far off, or on, I am.
In another vein ... what's the proper terminology to use?
A file, to me, is what I open with a "file-open" sequeuce, or from a windows file list
A workbook is a file with one or more tabs
A worksheet is any one of those tabs
Are those correct?
Lastly what's the difference between a .XLT and a .XLS extension (besides the obvious one letter). Are there other
extensions and what would they mean?
Thanks ... Phil