Excel 2007 Beta
If it's not too large (say under 5 MB) you can attach it to an email and send
it to (remove spaces)
HelpFrom @ jlathamsite.com
and I'll try opening with 2007 and saving back out in 97-2003 compatible
format and return it to you. I won't see it until this evening if you send
it soon, so I hope you're not in a hurry for it.
"Kieron" wrote:
I created an Excel worksheet in Excel 2007 Beta that I want to open in Excel
2000. I've installed the conversion pack but when I try to open the file a
window appears stating that, " This workbook was created in an earlier beta
version of Excel 2007, and it cannot be opened in the current version of
Excel. To open the workbook, you must first open and save it in Excel 2007
beta 2, and then you can open it in the current version of Excel."
Can anyone help me with this or possibly convert the workbook for me so as I
can open it in Office 2000.