matching excel columns
Pete and Sean. Please help. I revised my question, but I think everyone read
it before I revised it. Please read my third post where it explains the
problem better. Thank you!
thanks for the help!
"Pete_UK" wrote:
You need to make the row references in Sean's formula into absolute,
and of course adjust them to the number of rows you have in your data
in Sheet1, i.e.:
=if(iserror(vlookup(A1,Sheet1!A$1:B$500,2,0),"",vl ookup(A1,Sheet1!A$1:B
I've used 0 instead of FALSE - does the same thing - and assumed you
have data up to row 500.
Hope this helps.
On Feb 21, 6:52 pm, newyorkjoy
Thank you Sean. I tried it, but I got #N/A for every field. The information
that should have come up in Column B of worksheet 2 did not come up. I
appreciate your help.
thanks for the help!
"Sean Timmons" wrote:
If I understand correctly, you have something like this:
Column A Column B
2/1/2007 Text
2/2/2007 Text
2/3/2007 Text
And in another worksheet (same workbook maybe?)
Column A
and you want to locate column B from worksheet 1 above and enter it into,
say, column B of worksheet 2.
If so,
in column B of sheet 2
will return the matching text from the date on sheet1. If the date doesn't
exist in column 1, you'll get an #N/A in the field. To avoid this:
=if(iserror(vlookup(A1,Sheet1!A1:B200,2,FALSE),"", vlookup(A1,Sheet1!A1:B200Â*,2,FALSE))
will leave a blank instead.
"newyorkjoy" wrote:
I am using EXCEL 2003. I have a worksheet with a column of all dates from
1/1/1900 through the present. I am getting new data in two columns. One of
dates, and one of information to match the dates. I need to add a column to
my original worksheet showing the information I need for specific dates. How
can I get excel to automatically find the matching date, and put only the
information in the second column in a new column next to the corresponding
thanks for the help!- Hide quoted text -
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