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T. Valko T. Valko is offline
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Default Another Method or 2?

You're welcome. Thanks for the feedback!


"JMay" wrote in message
Thanks Biff;
Both are Cool,,

"T. Valko" wrote in message

Here's another one. I might even use this one over the Sumproduct

Defined names:

Refers to: LookUpTable!$C$7:$G$12

Refers to: LookUpTable!$B$7:$B$12



"T. Valko" wrote in message
Here's one but it's not any better than what you have already. In fact,
I'd never use it! But here it is:

=SUM(OFFSET(LookUpTable!C$7,MATCH(Summary!A$2,Look UpTable!B$7:B$12,0)-1,,,5))


"JMay" wrote in message
In A1:C2 I have:

CC Method1 Method2
01016000 4,263.00 4,263.00

Cell B2 contains:

=SUMPRODUCT((LookUpTable!$B$7:$B$12=Summary!A2)*(L ookUpTable!$C$7:$G$12))

Cell C2 contains:

{=SUM((LookUpTable!$B$7:$B$12=Summary!A2)*LookUpTa ble!$C$7:$G$12)}

Both Methods work fine; I'd just like to have another 1 or 2 methods
of obtaining the same answer. Any suggestions?

Here is my $B$7:$B$12 on LookupTable:

01016000 3,245.00 43.00 432.00 543.00 01016100 456.00 567.00
01016200 654.00 654.00 01016300 654.00 543.00 567.00
01016400 3,458.00 456.00 7,323.00
01016500 6,788.00 567.00
Thanks in Advance..