how can I copy file names into cells
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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
external usenet poster
Posts: 58
how can I copy file names into cells
Thnk you so much Jlatham, JE and JAY. You were all great! You are all really
making a difference.
Sam Sebaihi Faculty Western International University Associate Programs
(alternate email) Phone #:
(405)315-8223 Time zone: Pacific Time
"JLatham" <HelpFrom @ wrote in message
And another possible way, just change the "A2" to the first cell you want
receive the filename and hyperlink:
Sub ListAndLinkToFiles()
'User definable values
Const FirstCell = "A2" ' first cell to get file name/link
'end of user definable values
Dim anyFileName As String ' internal use variable
Dim myFolderPath As String ' internal use variable
Dim rowOffset As Long ' pointer to next cell to put entry into
Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker). Show
On Error Resume Next
myFolderPath = _
Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker). SelectedItems(1) _
& Application.PathSeparator
If Err < 0 Then
Exit Sub ' user cancelled
End If
On Error GoTo 0
'because Excel 2007 removed the FileSearch object,
'we'll do this the old fashioned way
'initialize anyFileName
anyFileName = Dir(myFolderPath & "*.*", vbNormal)
Do While anyFileName < "" ' Start the loop.
ActiveSheet.Range(FirstCell).Offset(rowOffset, 0).Formula = _
"=HYPERLINK(" & Chr(34) & myFolderPath & anyFileName & Chr(34) _
& "," & Chr(34) & anyFileName & Chr(34) & ")"
anyFileName = Dir ' Get next entry.
rowOffset = rowOffset + 1
End Sub
"SAM SEBAIHI" wrote:
I would like to have a macro that if I execute it, it will copy all the
existing file names from a specified directory into individual cells in
sheet. each individual file name will be hyperlinked, if I click on it,
file should open (they could be Word or pdf files..etc..)
I really appreciate your help in advance
Thank you,
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