Dallman Ross wrote:
spake thusly:
What is the best way to offset cell values (text and numbers) from the
cell border lines?
Have you tried Format Cells - Alignment - Indent ?
Thanks for your response.
Yes I had. But after seeing your response, I tried again, and I
discovered that I had misinterpreted the use of the Indent buttons on
the toolbar with respect to the right margin. It had not occurred to
me that I press "-|" to move right(!).
Okay, right-indent would align everything nicely on the right. But it
offsets things more than I would prefer. I would prefer to move things
to the right "just a skosh", similar to the custom format that I use
(or the one you suggest).
Is there any way to change the amount of movement that Indent causes?
I did not see anything under Tools Options, but I might have missed
Third, for right-adjusted numbers, I select a
Custom number format of the form #,##0 " ".
Try custom: #,##0_)
How is that different than or why is that preferred over what I did --
which I should have written as #,##0" " (no extra space)?
In any case, I believe that works only for numeric values, not for
text. The right-index solution would work for both.
BTW, is there any Help text that explains the Custom format syntax? I
did not find anything myself when I searched for "custom format".
However, I did not look at Online Content. (I usually disable that
Thanks again.