How to offset cell value from thick border lines?
What is the best way to offset cell values (text and numbers) from the
cell border lines?
The problem is: when I select the thickest border line, left- and
right-adjusted cell values (text and numbers) are too close to the left
and right borders. It detracts from readability, especially when the
printed worksheet is faxed.
I have found ways to avoid most of the problem. First, I adjust the
row height (i.e, over-size it) and select Center vertical alignment.
That offsets from the top and bottom borders. Second, for
left-adjusted text, I put a space in the first character position.
That is for cells that must appear fully left-adjusted; other cells are
indented from the left. Third, for right-adjusted numbers, I select a
Custom number format of the form #,##0 " ". Finally, for single-lined
right-adjusted text, I put a space in the last character position.
Those solutions offset from the left and right borders.
However, I have no solution for multi-lined right-adjusted text -- text
that contains an explicit line break (char(10) or alt-Enter). My
solution for single-lined right-adjusted text -- putting a space at the
end of each line -- does not work. I have tried various versions of
that solution to no avail, including "line1 "&char(10)&"line2 ".
(I am using the Arial font, which is proportional. That is the font I
want. But I did try Courier, a non-proportional font -- also to no
So I believe my initial question boils down to: for multi-lined
right-adjusted text with explicit line breaks, how can I offset the
text from the right cell border (i.e, move it to the left) by the same
one or two spaces that numbers and single-lined text in the same column
are offset by?
Alternatively, is there a better way to offset left- and right-adjusted
cell values (text and numbers) by the same amount from the left and
right cell borders so that all values (text and numbers) in a column
are aligned on the left or right, depending on the cell alignment?