how to replace cell references with actual numbers
You could display what you ask for by the formula
but of course it won't evaluate it. If you want to evaluate it you can use
the real formula in another cell [or you can use the EVALUATE() function in
a named reference].
Note also that you don't need the word SUM in your formula. The formula
could have been =(Sheet1!B5+Sheet1B4) or =(14+15).
David Biddulph
wrote in message
i need to find a shortcut, maybe a marco to replace the formula the
refers to cell references on another worksheet to dispay actual
For example, I have =sum(Sheet1!B5+Sheet1B4) in sheet2, and i need to
have =sum(14+15), where B5=14 and B4=15 in sheet2.
please help, i have a really, really long list to work with and
wouldn't want to do this by hand....