Formate colour of cells
You can use Conditional Formatting for this.
1. Select cells B1 through F1
2. From the Format Menu, choose "Conditional Formatting..."
3. Change "Cell Value Is" to "Formula Is"
4. Enter the formula: =$A$1=1
5. Select your format (red)
6. Click the ADD Button
7. Change "Cell Value Is" to "Formula Is"
8. Enter the formula: =$A$1=2
9. Select your format (green)
10. Click OK
"Bela" wrote:
I have the value 1 in cell (A,1) then I wan´t the colour to change to red in
cells (B1:F1) or if I have the value 2 in cell (A1) then colour should change
to green in cells (B1:F1)