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Gord Dibben Gord Dibben is offline
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Default rigth click and some buttons from toolbar does not work


"Doesn't work" means what?

Right-click on a cell and no menu appears?

A menu appears but some of the choices are grayed out?

The toolbar items are gone or just not available?

Have you got any sheet protection enabled that would make some menu items not

Is the workbook shared under ToolsShare Workbook?

As a last resort try this....

Close Excel.

Do a file search on your computer for *.XLB

When found, rename to *.OLD

There may be more than one *.XLB file............rename as above with a unique
fake extension.

Re-open Excel.............any luck?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

On Thu, 2 Nov 2006 12:42:01 -0800, Fabian Alfonso <Fabian

In my Excel the right clicl button doesnt work as many button in the standard
tool bar like View, Insert, Format and Data.

I dont know why is this