see the extract below from pearsons webpage(you can do this even to 2
dimensional range)-copied from my notes.
You can do this with a very simple array formula.
Enter this formula in the first cell of the range you want to contain the
unique entries. Change A1 and $A$1 to the first cell in the range
containing the from which data that you want to extract unique items. Then,
use Fill Down (from the Edit menu) to fill the formula down to as many rows
as you need to hold the unique entries (i.e., up to as many rows as there
are in the original range.)
You can then transfer these values to another range of cells and eliminate
blank entries. See "Eliminating Blank Cells" for details about how to do
Dave Mc wrote in message
I have a colum with 30 odd thousand rows.
There are only 6 or so unique item-codes in it (eg BLD,
COW, MCU...)
I want to use a list box to give an option for a user to
select from.
I have set up a dynamic range (because the number of rows
will change each month) and I have listed this as the
souce for the listbox datainput.
Unfortunately it returns all of the items in the range,
not just the unique items.
Is there a named range fromula I can use or is it a VBA